A square image of three exposures, the full frame is a green-blueish textured wall, with two semi-overlapping squares in the center, the smaller has a red texture, the large a view of Long Island Expressway, as seen from LIC Queens.
Untitled Experiments Layering Space Through Cutouts exists at the intersection of the photographed; between cityscape and texture. The picture plane is broken by a series of exposures creating new relations between inside and outside, the whole and the detail—building new diverse geographies.
At the moments of collecting, the natural light of the scene is physically multi-exposed on the surface of the film inside the camera—this creates an impromptu relation to the photographed. It is created in that moment, by endangering the previously collected image held at the film.
Cutout screens used in-between lens and film—invisible to the viewfinder—create new compositions within the work. Street-scapes merge with the color and texture of the walls in the scene: with the walls of the studio from where it ventures back into the world.
The work spans from the strictly geometrical towards a breaking down of order; reflecting optical situations found elsewhere. Through a repetition of forms, transformation occurs.
A selection of nine works was part of a group show Landscape | Cityscape, in Aarhus, DK, 2016.
A square image of two exposures, the full frame is a greenish-yellow texture, slightly off centered moved towards the top is an square exposure the lower part is taken up by a wall divided horizontally in blue and yellow, behind it at an angle a small bit of the red Pulaski Bridge can be seen with one lamp post, at the top two black cables cut across the frame horizontally.
A square image of three exposures, the full frame is a green rough-knobbed texture, slightly skewed towards the left is another square exposure making the background a light green, centered in this is a round exposure turning the color almost white. The two smaller exposures adds to the texture in a very subtle way.
A square image of three exposures, the full frame is a medium gray rough-knobbed texture, a square exposure skewed towards the top turns the color light gray, as smaller square skewed slightly towards the bottom, but still within the second exposure turns the color almost white. The two smaller exposures adds to the texture in a very subtle way.
A square image of three exposures, the full frame is a dark burgundy smooth surface with a vertical seam through the middle, the second square exposure skewed towards the bottom is of a building facade with a small door and barred window and a large silver rollgate, a light by the door indicates it’s a night, the lower part of the facade is light gray the upper part white. The third exposure is smaller also skewed towards the bottom of a bright red wall texture.
A square image of three exposures, the full frame is a dark burgundy wall with a rough textured applied concrete surface, centered is a smaller square exposure of a brick facade with windows up high, a white gutter in the center, graffiti on the wall, and behind it the Long Island Expressway, the last exposure is a vertical rectangle running from the top to the bottom on the left side only overlapping the first exposure, it’s texture indicates paint or graffiti marks.
A square image of five exposures, the impression is of a yellow slightly knobbed wall textured pyramid rising through the ground to penetrate a large purple/pink sun. The background is almost black at the bottom is a long thin smooth red rectangle, that the pyramid rises through, slightly overlapping it, and standing above is a large smooth red square framing the purple/pink sun.
A square image of three exposures, a full red slightly textured background is cut by a big yellow circle, almost touching the edges of the square, the circle is a rough diamond plate with indications of cuts and welds, and centered on the left is a small whitish square exposure. At the top right corner, a small circle is visible from the first exposure, it’s shadow turned greenish by the overlapping yellow color.
A square image of six exposures, a dark background holds the composition, the first thing you see is a bright red rectangle on the left from top to bottom, and then centered a bright green triangle, pointing down, overlapping the triangle is a muted red circle to the right and behind it a maroon triangle pointing up with an uneven painted surface, this is the only texture in the composition, and at the back almost not visible is a large desaturated purple circle.
A square image of three exposures, a dark unexposed background, the three consecutively smaller squares become lighter blues, each is framing a billboard on a pole, the billboards hold no bills. The two billboard surfaces that are visible are gray and white with some graffiti at the bottom. A light leak on to the film at the top left corner cast a reflective light on the piece.
A square image of two exposures, a full frame shot of a singular tree in front of a large industrial wall, the bottom of the wall is painted maroon, the middle section are burgundy bricks with gray mortar, the top is mixed, brownish bricks, center blocks, and a small white section of painted light wall, with a glass brick inserted field; the middle and upper section has what appears to be bricked up windows. Centered skewed slightly to the bottom is a bright blue square with a textured painted surface.
A square image of three exposures, a full frame shot of a slightly textured dark green wall, centered is an exposure of an industrial brown/orange wall with parking in front. slightly smaller on top of it is an exposure of a light green color.
A square image of three exposures, a full frame shot of peeling red painted bricks is overlapped in the center of a view down a cobblestone street with a train track, cars on the left sidewalk on the right, at the end between the building you can see the Manhattan Bridge, the last exposure is a yellowish square slightly smaller than the street view and connected to the top of it.
A square image of two exposures, a full frame shot a wall ⅔ center blocks with a yellow door, ⅓ maroon painted bricks, centered is a square pale yellow exposure, a close up of the door, the left and bottom side of the exposure almost perfectly aligns with the left and bottom of the door.
Photo from the exhibition Landscape | Cityscape, a white male in a dark suite stands in front of a white wall looking at three of the works hanging side by side, to his left are two glass works leaning against the wall.
Photo from the exhibition Landscape | Cityscape, three of the works hanging side by side on a white wall, two primarily green compositions and one red.
Photo from the exhibition Landscape | Cityscape, three of the works hanging side by side on a white wall. The works are primarily red, green, and yellow composition.
Photo from the exhibition Landscape | Cityscape, three of the works hanging side by side on a light plywood wall. The works are primarily red/green, gray, and red composition.