At the Aarhus school of Architecture the servers are placed in a none heated room, thus benefiting from the cold winters to provide cooling; when hotter times comes, an air-condition unite kicks in and provides the necessary cooling whilst exhausting hot clean air to the environment. We wanted to show this, to use it; the relationship between the weather conditions and the activity on the servers; as a spatial exercise.
The project thus becomes about the immaterial world surrounding us; about making the immaterial visible, investigating the relationship between the context and the nature of the temporary plastic structure. The difference of the space at the inflated and collapsed state. When the ventilation system is active, the plastic structure adopts the shape of the static frame of the gallery, creating an imprint of the frame. At inactive level, the collapse of the structure recreates the open space.
What constitutes a space? In the plastic structure, are you inside or outside? Or is it something in-between? The hot exhaust air holding it up keeps the climate warm and the light from the building keeps it ‘open’ at night. But is it an extension to the building or something completely on its own. Many might referee to it as a parasite; I think more of it as a condition, a something that happened and only by the will of the air-condition unite. Would it have been posible to prolong your stay, by working the servers, and by working them extra hard could you get the temperature to raise within the space?
A collaboration with Karianne Halse