2012+2013 // AARHUS [DK]

Little Big Thing [LBT] is an invitation to see the city anew. It was created to provide a new view of Aarhus, situated in the main triangular square of the city. To allow space around it, LBT is laid out in an L-shape, with additional seating and viewing decks extending from it. The structure rises to the height of the third floor, at the final viewing deck, looking up through the pedestrian street of Aarhus.

More than just an extended walkway, LBT was designed to hold multiple spaces for performances. The performers could be raised on any of the multiple levels of the structure with the audience inhabiting the ground below along with adjacent parts of the structure, or the performers could occupy the space below allowing the audience to surround them from above and in front, creating a stadium-like experience.

A number of sides were closed with sheets of plywood upon which the incredible Before I Die project by Candy Chang was applied, also activating the ground level of the structure.

The structure was designed on an element system of frames and platforms, allowing for easy disassembly and resemblance. It was the main attraction during the Aarhus Festival in 2012 and 2013.

Plan drawing by architect and artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal, showing Little Big Thing in the main square. LBT makes an L shape, with additional viewing decks and performance spaces added to it.

Plan drawing showing Little Big Thing in the main square. LBT makes an L shape, with additional viewing decks and performance spaces added to it.

Photo from the top level of LBT, designed by artist and architect Troels Steenholdt Heiredal, looking over the structure, on the middle deck instruments for a performance by a band is set up.

Photo from the top level of LBT looking over the structure, on the middle deck instruments for a performance by a band is set up.

Photo from the ground showing the audience inhabiting the multiple levels of LBT, designed by architect and artist, Troels Steenholdt Heiredal, to view performances.

Photo from the ground showing the audience inhabiting the multiple levels of LBT to view performances.

Panoramic photo from inside the structure, showing a performance happening simultaneously on two sides of LBT, designed by architect and artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal, while the audience if primarily on the ground observing it.

Panoramic photo from inside the structure, showing a performance happening simultaneously on two sides of LBT, while the audience if primarily on the ground observing it.

Photo of the lower ramp entrance of LBT, designed by architect and artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal, with Aarhus Cathedral tower in the background. Smaller groups of people are distributed around the square and at the final viewing deck of LBT.

Photo of the lower ramp entrance of LBT, with Aarhus Cathedral tower in the background. Smaller groups of people are distributed around the square and at the final viewing deck of LBT.

Two photos juxtaposed. The first photo shows a performance of a human pyramid being built, by artists in white trousers and pink shirts. The second photo is of a band playing while walking through the crowd to get to the upper levels of LBT.

Two photos juxtaposed. The first photo shows a performance of a human pyramid being built, by artists in white trousers and pink shirts. The second photo is of a band playing while walking through the crowd to get to the upper levels of LBT.

Photo of LBT’s final viewing deck. The deck is about 3 floors up. On the side, Candy Chang’s participatory art work “Before I Die…” is visible. LBT designed by architect and artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal

Photo of LBT’s final viewing deck, two people are standing at the edge while a third is approaching from behind. The deck is about 3 floors up. On the side, Candy Chang’s participatory artwork “Before I Die…” is visible.

Photo of LBT’s final viewing deck and Candy Chang’s participatory artwork “Before I Die…”. LBT is designed by architect and artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal

Photo of LBT’s final viewing deck and Candy Chang’s participatory artwork “Before I Die…”. People are gathered in small groups taking in the view at the top and on the ground around Before I Die. One person is standing on the shoulders of another to write at the top of the Before I Die piece.

Two photos juxtaposed of people enjoying the view from the final viewing deck. In each photo a person is waving from the top. LBT is designed by architect and artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal

Two photos juxtaposed of people enjoying the view from the final viewing deck. In each photo a person is waving from the top. This is clearest in the first photo where the people are lit by the sun, while the other photo is shot against the light, making the people appear as silhouettes.

Two photos juxtaposed. The first photo is the view from the final viewing deck up through the pedestrian street, while the second view is from the pedestrian street showing how LBT, designed by architect Troels S Heiredal just sticks into the view.

Two photos juxtaposed. The first photo is the view from the final viewing deck up through the pedestrian street, while the second view is from the pedestrian street showing how LBT just sticks into the view at the end across from the cathedral.

Two photos juxtaposed. The fist showing the swift in frames that opens views, the second showing the stacked frames creating a tunnel vision. LBT designed by Architect and Artist Troels Steenholdt Heiredal

Two photos juxtaposed. The fist is along the side of LBT showing how the large wooden frames shift and allow views into the interior of the structure. The second is in through the main ramp entrance, where the stacking of the frames, creates a closed off tunnel vision.